Your financial attitudes and behaviors shape your financial health. Our financial attitudes and behaviors are often governed by habit or our upbringing. The pivotal link to financial empowerment is becoming conscious of our financial attitudes and behaviors and knowing how they affect our financial health. The following questionnaire is a sample from our financial literacy training that helps individuals transcend their habit-driven financial attitudes and behaviors.






I do not worry about the future. I live only in the present.




I think it is more satisfying to spend money than to save for the future.




Money is made to be spent.




I save some money I receive each month for a future need.




I start saving more when I get a pay raise.




In the last 12 months I have been able to save money.


In our financial literacy training, we look at more attitudes and behaviors and we help individuals make strategic decisions with money. For more information, contact a representative at The Pivotal Link today.